Eat Anything, NawaKrezz Should be It's "Kriuk" | Indonesian Food

Hi, there!

How are you today?
Have you ever tasted peyek? Or maybe you ever heard about it? You can't never say no to this crackers. Yes, because it's simple snack but super delicious that make us wanna have more and more. It's one of the best Indonesian food that you should try.

Rempeyek or peyek is a deep-fried savory Javanese cracker made from flour with other ingredients coated by crispy flour batter. For Indonesian traditional version, they just let the batter flows by the side of the wok and deep fried. The most common types of peyek are peyek kacang (peanuts peyek), peyek teri (dried anebovies), peyek rebon (small shrimp), peyek kacang hijau (mung beans), peyek kedelai (soy beans), and peyek tempe.

Some people have done creations to the peyek. They used kepiting (crab) and also vegetables like spinach and kenikir.

I like peyek so much. Do you know that my mother is traditional peyek seller? She makes peyek from her own recipe and then sell it in the market. Her peyek is so delicious. I wanna help my mother to improve her selling. So that, i think even more to make a new peyek's taste, as well as others. So i could taste which good peyek which is not. And Alhamdulillah in short time my peyek was made in successfully. It was peyek sosis (sausage slice peyek) and peyek cabai (chili peyek). 

Well...what is it like? I think you should try it.

I will let you feel what it's like by the photos of peyek below this.

Sausage Slice Peyek
It's only  IDR 15K per 200 g
Chili Peyek
It's only IDR 15K per 200 g
Chili Peyek
Peyek Tempe
It's only IDR 10K per 200 g

If you wanna really taste it, you can order or perhaps ask first by the following contact:
SMS/ WA: +6287749986561

Thank you so much for reading and your order 😉😊
